Contenuto dell'articolo principale


Introduzione: nell’ambito del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica il tirocinio formativo è fondamentale per la genesi del professionista futuro, per questo risulta utile indagare lo stress e le difficoltà degli studenti esperiti durante questa attività. Obiettivo: esplorare i vissuti esperienziali maturati dagli studenti durante i tirocini formativi e individuare le possibili fonti di stress correlate. Metodo: studio con disegno di triangolazione convergente. È stato diffuso sui principali social networks un questionario strutturato ad hoc e sono state condotte interviste in profondità, audio registrate, faccia a faccia. Risultati: i rispondenti al questionario sono stati 177 ed hanno indicato come principali fonti di stress in tirocinio: “non avere adeguato feedback da parte dei tutor clinici” (75%) e “non ricevere supporto per far fronte alle esigenze dei pazienti” (65%). Le emozioni negative prevalenti sono il “senso di solitudine” (46%) e quello di “impotenza” (54%). Dalle interviste in profondità ad 11 studenti sono emerse 5 tematiche fondamentali e 13 concetti correlati. Il tirocinio è ritenuto fondamentale, ma emerge il timore di non poter apprendere quanto necessario per svolgere la professione in futuro. Sono ritenute importanti la presenza di tutor clinici (infermieri esperti nei setting di tirocinio) competenti e motivati e un maggior coinvolgimento dei tutor universitari (responsabili della gestione del Corso) nei contesti di tirocinio. Discussione e conclusioni: i risultati suggeriscono la necessità di individuare modalità di coinvolgimento e supporto per gli studenti in tirocinio, come la realizzazione di collegamenti diretti tra tutor universitari e clinici. Indispensabile l’organizzazione di esperienze di tirocinio in setting assistenziali appropriati all’anno di corso. 

Parole chiave

studenti infermieristica vissuti esperienze tirocinio formazione intership education nursing students experiences training

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Come citare
Calamassi, D., Rotondi, K., Bambi, S., & Tamburini, L. (2020). Vissuti, percezioni ed emozioni degli studenti nel Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica durante il tirocinio: uno studio con metodi misti . PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE, 73(3). Recuperato da


  • Atlas.it_Qualitative Data Analysis, (ultima consultazione 20.08.2019)
  • Bambi S, Becattini G, Lumini E (2012) Le ostilità laterali tra studenti ed insegnanti di infermieristica: revisione di letteratura. Scenario, 29 (4): 26-32.
  • Beck DL, Srivastava R (1991) Perceived level and sources of stress in baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 30(3),127-33.
  • Begley CM, White P (2003) Irish nursing students' changing selfesteem and fear of negative evaluation during their preregistration programme. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42(4), 390-401
  • Benner P (1994) Hermeneutic phenomenology: a methodology for family health and health promotion study in nursing. In: Benner P Interpretive phenomenology: Embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
  • Brugnolli A, Benaglio C (2017) Metodi di insegnamento clinico: una revisione della letteratura. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, XXXVI (1), 14-23.
  • Celik SS, Bayraktar, N (2004) A study of nursing student abuse in Turkey. Journal of Nursing Education, 43(7), 330.
  • Chan D (2002) Associations between student learning outcomes from their clinical placement and their perceptions of the social climate of the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Studies,39 (5), 517-524.
  • Chiari P, Mosci D, Naldi E (2011) Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. la pratica clinico assistenziale basata su prove d’efficacia. 2 Edizione, McGraw Hill.
  • Cicolini G, Comparcini D, Simonetti V (2013) Workplace empowerment and nurses’ job satisfaction: a systematic literature review. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(7), 855-71.
  • Clarke C, Kane D, Rajacich D, Lafreniere K (2012) Bullying in Undergraduate Clinical Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(5), 269-276.
  • Comparcini D, Simonetti V, Tomietto M, Galli F, Fiorani C, Di Labio L, Cicolini G (2014) Percezione degli ambienti di tirocinio e soddisfazione degli studenti infermieri nel primo tirocinio clinico: studio osservazionale. Professioni Infermieristiche, LXVII (1), 41- 47.
  • Cooper J, Walker J, Askew R, Robinson J, McNair M (2011) Students’ perceptions of bullying behaviours by nursing faculty. Issues in Educational Research, 21(1), 1-21.
  • Epi Info™, CDC Centers of Desease Control and Preventions, consultazione 04.02.2019).
  • Foster B, Mackie B, Barnett, N (2004) Bullying in the health sector: a study of bullying of nursing students. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29(2), 67-83.
  • Gamze S, Meral D, Emine O, Berrin P (2017) Turkish Version of the Student Nurse Stress Index: Validity and Reliability. Asian Nursing Reserch., XXI (2), 128-133.
  • Geri LoBiondo-Wood Judith Haber, Metodologia della ricerca infermieristica, 1 ediz. Italiana della 5 ediz. originale, settembre 2004, McGraw-Hill.
  • Graham MM, Lindo J, Bryan VD, Weaver S (2016) Factors associated with stress among second year student nurses during clinical training in Jamaica. Journal of Professional Nursing, XXXII (5), 383-391
  • Infermieristica_Gazzetta Ufficiale,,
  • Articolo?art.progressivo=0&art.idArticolo=40&art.versione=
  • &art.codiceRedazionale=17A08696&art.dataPubblicazione
  • Gazzetta=2018-0104&art.idGruppo=13&art.idSottoArticolo
  • =10&
  • (ultima consultazione 07.10.2019).
  • Jackson D, Mannix J (2001) Clinical nurses as teachers: Insights from students of nursing in their first semester of study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10, 270-277.
  • Jones MC, Johnston DW (1997). Distress, stress and coping in first-year student nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, 475-482.
  • Jones MC, Johnston DW (1999) The derivation of a brief Student Nurse Stress Index. Work & Stress, 13 (2), 162-18.
  • Labrague LJ (2013) Stress, Stressors, and Stress Responses of Student Nurses in a Government Nursing School. Health Science Journal, 7 (4), 424-435.
  • Malcom E (2012) The clinical environment: A source of stress for undergraduate nurses. The Australian Journal of Advanced nursing: a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation, 20(1), 34-8.
  • Menning A, Cronin P, Monaghan A, Rawlings-Anderson K (2009) Supporting students in practice: An exploration of reflective groups as a means of support. Nurse Education in Practice, IX(3), 176-183
  • Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca, Programmazione dei posti disponibili per le immatricolazioni ai corsi di laurea delle Professioni Sanitarie a.a. 2016/2017, Decreto Ministeriale 18 luglio 2016 n. 579.
  • Moustaka E, Constantinidis TC (2010) Sources and effects of Work-related stress in nursing. Health Science Journal, 4(4), 210-216.
  • Pagana KD (1988). Stresses and threats reported by Baccalaureate students in relation to an initial clinical experience. Journal of Nursing Education, 27, 418-424.
  • Parkes KR (1982). Occupational stress among student nurses: a natural experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 784-796.
  • Paturzo M, Colaceci S, Clari M, Mottola A, Alvaro R, Vaughan Dickson V, Vellone E (2016) I disegni di ricerca con metodo misto: un approccio metodologico innovativo per la ricerca infermieristica. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, 35, 82-86.
  • Pryjmachuk S., Richards D.A. (2007) Predicting stress in pre-registration nursing students. British Journal of Health Psychology,12(1), 125-44.
  • Pulido-Martos M, Lopez-Zafra E (2012) Sources of stress in nursing students: A systematic review of quantitative studies. International Nursing Review, 59, 15–25.
  • Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N (2017) Iranian nursing students’ experience of stressors in their first clinical experience. Journal of Professional Nursing, XXXIII (3), 250–257.
  • Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N (2017) Coping strategies of nursing students for dealing with stress in
  • Atlas.it_Qualitative Data Analysis, (ultima consultazione 20.08.2019)
  • Bambi S, Becattini G, Lumini E (2012) Le ostilità laterali tra studenti ed insegnanti di infermieristica: revisione di letteratura. Scenario, 29 (4): 26-32.
  • Beck DL, Srivastava R (1991) Perceived level and sources of stress in baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 30(3),127-33.
  • Begley CM, White P (2003) Irish nursing students' changing selfesteem and fear of negative evaluation during their preregistration programme. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42(4), 390-401
  • Benner P (1994) Hermeneutic phenomenology: a methodology for family health and health promotion study in nursing. In: Benner P Interpretive phenomenology: Embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
  • Brugnolli A, Benaglio C (2017) Metodi di insegnamento clinico: una revisione della letteratura. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, XXXVI (1), 14-23.
  • Celik SS, Bayraktar, N (2004) A study of nursing student abuse in Turkey. Journal of Nursing Education, 43(7), 330.
  • Chan D (2002) Associations between student learning outcomes from their clinical placement and their perceptions of the social climate of the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Studies,39 (5), 517-524.
  • Chiari P, Mosci D, Naldi E (2011) Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. la pratica clinico assistenziale basata su prove d’efficacia. 2 Edizione, McGraw Hill.
  • Cicolini G, Comparcini D, Simonetti V (2013) Workplace empowerment and nurses’ job satisfaction: a systematic literature review. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(7), 855-71.
  • Clarke C, Kane D, Rajacich D, Lafreniere K (2012) Bullying in Undergraduate Clinical Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(5), 269-276.
  • Comparcini D, Simonetti V, Tomietto M, Galli F, Fiorani C, Di Labio L, Cicolini G (2014) Percezione degli ambienti di tirocinio e soddisfazione degli studenti infermieri nel primo tirocinio clinico: studio osservazionale. Professioni Infermieristiche, LXVII (1), 41- 47.
  • Cooper J, Walker J, Askew R, Robinson J, McNair M (2011) Students’ perceptions of bullying behaviours by nursing faculty. Issues in Educational Research, 21(1), 1-21.
  • Epi Info™, CDC Centers of Desease Control and Preventions, consultazione 04.02.2019).
  • Foster B, Mackie B, Barnett, N (2004) Bullying in the health sector: a study of bullying of nursing students. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29(2), 67-83.
  • Gamze S, Meral D, Emine O, Berrin P (2017) Turkish Version of the Student Nurse Stress Index: Validity and Reliability. Asian Nursing Reserch., XXI (2), 128-133.
  • Geri LoBiondo-Wood Judith Haber, Metodologia della ricerca infermieristica, 1 ediz. Italiana della 5 ediz. originale, settembre 2004, McGraw-Hill.
  • Graham MM, Lindo J, Bryan VD, Weaver S (2016) Factors associated with stress among second year student nurses during clinical training in Jamaica. Journal of Professional Nursing, XXXII (5), 383-391
  • Infermieristica_Gazzetta Ufficiale,,
  • Articolo?art.progressivo=0&art.idArticolo=40&art.versione=
  • &art.codiceRedazionale=17A08696&art.dataPubblicazione
  • Gazzetta=2018-0104&art.idGruppo=13&art.idSottoArticolo
  • =10&
  • (ultima consultazione 07.10.2019).
  • Jackson D, Mannix J (2001) Clinical nurses as teachers: Insights from students of nursing in their first semester of study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10, 270-277.
  • Jones MC, Johnston DW (1997). Distress, stress and coping in first-year student nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, 475-482.
  • Jones MC, Johnston DW (1999) The derivation of a brief Student Nurse Stress Index. Work & Stress, 13 (2), 162-18.
  • Labrague LJ (2013) Stress, Stressors, and Stress Responses of Student Nurses in a Government Nursing School. Health Science Journal, 7 (4), 424-435.
  • Malcom E (2012) The clinical environment: A source of stress for undergraduate nurses. The Australian Journal of Advanced nursing: a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation, 20(1), 34-8.
  • Menning A, Cronin P, Monaghan A, Rawlings-Anderson K (2009) Supporting students in practice: An exploration of reflective groups as a means of support. Nurse Education in Practice, IX(3), 176-183
  • Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca, Programmazione dei posti disponibili per le immatricolazioni ai corsi di laurea delle Professioni Sanitarie a.a. 2016/2017, Decreto Ministeriale 18 luglio 2016 n. 579.
  • Moustaka E, Constantinidis TC (2010) Sources and effects of Work-related stress in nursing. Health Science Journal, 4(4), 210-216.
  • Pagana KD (1988). Stresses and threats reported by Baccalaureate students in relation to an initial clinical experience. Journal of Nursing Education, 27, 418-424.
  • Parkes KR (1982). Occupational stress among student nurses: a natural experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 784-796.
  • Paturzo M, Colaceci S, Clari M, Mottola A, Alvaro R, Vaughan Dickson V, Vellone E (2016) I disegni di ricerca con metodo misto: un approccio metodologico innovativo per la ricerca infermieristica. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, 35, 82-86.
  • Pryjmachuk S., Richards D.A. (2007) Predicting stress in pre-registration nursing students. British Journal of Health Psychology,12(1), 125-44.
  • Pulido-Martos M, Lopez-Zafra E (2012) Sources of stress in nursing students: A systematic review of quantitative studies. International Nursing Review, 59, 15–25.
  • Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N (2017) Iranian nursing students’ experience of stressors in their first clinical experience. Journal of Professional Nursing, XXXIII (3), 250–257.
  • Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N (2017) Coping strategies of nursing students for dealing with stress in
  • Atlas.it_Qualitative Data Analysis, (ultima consultazione 20.08.2019)
  • Bambi S, Becattini G, Lumini E (2012) Le ostilità laterali tra studenti ed insegnanti di infermieristica: revisione di letteratura. Scenario, 29 (4): 26-32.
  • Beck DL, Srivastava R (1991) Perceived level and sources of stress in baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 30(3),127-33.
  • Begley CM, White P (2003) Irish nursing students' changing selfesteem and fear of negative evaluation during their preregistration programme. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42(4), 390-401
  • Benner P (1994) Hermeneutic phenomenology: a methodology for family health and health promotion study in nursing. In: Benner P Interpretive phenomenology: Embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
  • Brugnolli A, Benaglio C (2017) Metodi di insegnamento clinico: una revisione della letteratura. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, XXXVI (1), 14-23.
  • Celik SS, Bayraktar, N (2004) A study of nursing student abuse in Turkey. Journal of Nursing Education, 43(7), 330.
  • Chan D (2002) Associations between student learning outcomes from their clinical placement and their perceptions of the social climate of the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Studies,39 (5), 517-524.
  • Chiari P, Mosci D, Naldi E (2011) Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. la pratica clinico assistenziale basata su prove d’efficacia. 2 Edizione, McGraw Hill.
  • Cicolini G, Comparcini D, Simonetti V (2013) Workplace empowerment and nurses’ job satisfaction: a systematic literature review. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(7), 855-71.
  • Clarke C, Kane D, Rajacich D, Lafreniere K (2012) Bullying in Undergraduate Clinical Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(5), 269-276.
  • Comparcini D, Simonetti V, Tomietto M, Galli F, Fiorani C, Di Labio L, Cicolini G (2014) Percezione degli ambienti di tirocinio e soddisfazione degli studenti infermieri nel primo tirocinio clinico: studio osservazionale. Professioni Infermieristiche, LXVII (1), 41- 47.
  • Cooper J, Walker J, Askew R, Robinson J, McNair M (2011) Students’ perceptions of bullying behaviours by nursing faculty. Issues in Educational Research, 21(1), 1-21.
  • Epi Info™, CDC Centers of Desease Control and Preventions, consultazione 04.02.2019).
  • Foster B, Mackie B, Barnett, N (2004) Bullying in the health sector: a study of bullying of nursing students. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29(2), 67-83.
  • Gamze S, Meral D, Emine O, Berrin P (2017) Turkish Version of the Student Nurse Stress Index: Validity and Reliability. Asian Nursing Reserch., XXI (2), 128-133.
  • Geri LoBiondo-Wood Judith Haber, Metodologia della ricerca infermieristica, 1 ediz. Italiana della 5 ediz. originale, settembre 2004, McGraw-Hill.
  • Graham MM, Lindo J, Bryan VD, Weaver S (2016) Factors associated with stress among second year student nurses during clinical training in Jamaica. Journal of Professional Nursing, XXXII (5), 383-391
  • Infermieristica_Gazzetta Ufficiale,,
  • Articolo?art.progressivo=0&art.idArticolo=40&art.versione=
  • &art.codiceRedazionale=17A08696&art.dataPubblicazione
  • Gazzetta=2018-0104&art.idGruppo=13&art.idSottoArticolo
  • =10&
  • (ultima consultazione 07.10.2019).
  • Jackson D, Mannix J (2001) Clinical nurses as teachers: Insights from students of nursing in their first semester of study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10, 270-277.
  • Jones MC, Johnston DW (1997). Distress, stress and coping in first-year student nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, 475-482.
  • Jones MC, Johnston DW (1999) The derivation of a brief Student Nurse Stress Index. Work & Stress, 13 (2), 162-18.
  • Labrague LJ (2013) Stress, Stressors, and Stress Responses of Student Nurses in a Government Nursing School. Health Science Journal, 7 (4), 424-435.
  • Malcom E (2012) The clinical environment: A source of stress for undergraduate nurses. The Australian Journal of Advanced nursing: a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation, 20(1), 34-8.
  • Menning A, Cronin P, Monaghan A, Rawlings-Anderson K (2009) Supporting students in practice: An exploration of reflective groups as a means of support. Nurse Education in Practice, IX(3), 176-183
  • Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca, Programmazione dei posti disponibili per le immatricolazioni ai corsi di laurea delle Professioni Sanitarie a.a. 2016/2017, Decreto Ministeriale 18 luglio 2016 n. 579.
  • Moustaka E, Constantinidis TC (2010) Sources and effects of Work-related stress in nursing. Health Science Journal, 4(4), 210-216.
  • Pagana KD (1988). Stresses and threats reported by Baccalaureate students in relation to an initial clinical experience. Journal of Nursing Education, 27, 418-424.
  • Parkes KR (1982). Occupational stress among student nurses: a natural experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 784-796.
  • Paturzo M, Colaceci S, Clari M, Mottola A, Alvaro R, Vaughan Dickson V, Vellone E (2016) I disegni di ricerca con metodo misto: un approccio metodologico innovativo per la ricerca infermieristica. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, 35, 82-86.
  • Pryjmachuk S., Richards D.A. (2007) Predicting stress in pre-registration nursing students. British Journal of Health Psychology,12(1), 125-44.
  • Pulido-Martos M, Lopez-Zafra E (2012) Sources of stress in nursing students: A systematic review of quantitative studies. International Nursing Review, 59, 15–25.
  • Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N (2017) Iranian nursing students’ experience of stressors in their first clinical experience. Journal of Professional Nursing, XXXIII (3), 250–257.
  • Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N (2017) Coping strategies of nursing students for dealing with stress in clinical setting: A qualitative study. Electron Physician, 9(12), 6120–6128.
  • Randle J (2003) Bullying in the nursing profession. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 43(4), 395-401.
  • Rete di ricerca SVIAT, a cura di (2017) Misurare la qualità degli ambienti di apprendimento clinico per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea in infermieristica. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, XXXVI (1), 5-6.
  • Saiani, L., Bielli, S., Marognolli, O., Brugnolli, A. & Gruppo di lavoro (2009). Documento di indirizzo su standard e principi del tirocinio nei corsi di Laurea delle Professioni Sanitarie, Conferenza Permanente dei Corsi di Laurea delle Professioni Sanitarie. Data accesso 18 dicembre, 2012, da
  • Saiani, L., La storia italiana della formazione infermieristica: la “lunga marcia” dalle scuole regionali ai corsi di laurea magistrale, Vol. 16, N. 1, 2016: 32-39 © Firenze University Press ISSN (print) 1971-7296 ISSN (online) 1971-8551 DOI: 10.14601/Tutor-18186.
  • Sasso L, Bagnasco A, Ghirotto L (2015) La ricerca qualitativa. Edra S.P.A.
  • Vallant S, Neville S (2006) The relationship between student nurse and nurse clinician: Impact on student learning. Nursing Praxis New Zealand, 22, 23-33.
  • The Survey System, Sample Size Calculator, Creative Research System (ultima consultazione 10.11.2018)